Manny in the Middle - Do you want America to be this Divided?

Do you want America

to be this divided?

87% of our survey said “No.”  

That’s a Majority.  

That’s many in the middle.

We want an America that works

There is a silent majority of Americans caught "in the middle" of today's political extremes who lack a voice. We hold some clear beliefs, some unclear ones. We may or may not have a party but what we have in common is that we do not resonate with the polarities expressed in our current political and media climate. Or feel represented by them.

Many Americans feel afraid to be authentic in our beliefs and still feel that we can remain connected to one another.... as well as influence decision-makers and actions that shape policy.

We want an America that Works - Manny in the Middle

We have little-to-no public forum, media or representation where we can:

  • Learn the issues without bias

  • Explore impartial background on popular positions

  • Have a healthy, constructive political discussion

  • See healthy debate modeled

  • Improve discourse and emotional regulation skills 

  • Path our Voice effectively 

  • Feel safe sharing our views and Voice

  • Detox and Rewire our brain and nervous system from noisy news cycles and rhetoric while still remaining engaged

The majority of America isn't speaking - Manny in the Middle

The majority in America isn’t really speaking.

We’re defaulting to political, corporate and media messaging.  While silently feeling more and more disconnected and disturbed.    

✦ This creates a dysfunctional democracy 

✦ It harms our close relationships with community, coworkers and family.

✦ It allows the loudest ideas to thrive, not the strongest and best ones.   

✦ And we don’t fully know why.  Or what to do about it.

Are you  exhausted from :

✦ Divisive rhetoric

✦ Lack of trustworthy information

✦ Fixed two party arguments on the issues

✦ Emotional stress and anxiety from political conversations

✦ A culture of tribalism and fear

Meet Manny (Amanda) Britt

I’ve experienced the pain of the political divide in my personal and professional life.

Hi, I’m Manny. People know me as Amanda, too. I am a longtime, independent special advisor and speechwriter to global leaders, a former startup entrepreneur and former SVP at a major financial institution. A music geek and the biggest dog lover. I’ve authored strategies and conversations for and between heads of state, cabinet ministers, organization leaders and the people impacted by their decisions. A voice behind the voice. An orchestra conductor to make ideas reality and inspire millions… or one. Being a gal behind the curtain for clients in governments, corporations, startups, celebrities and nonprofits has given me a unique lens into what it takes to help public figures to make good decisions - and to help the most sincere voices heard. 

In 2021, I fell in love with America all over again as I traveled cross-country with my dog, Obi, who made friends across 28 states. We met and talked to thousands of people over three years and discovered a shocking theme. As politics naturally came up from people’s curiosity about my work, I’d ask them: “Do you want America to be this divided?” Nearly everyone said “No.” And the conversation instantly disarmed. I started counting. 87% of Americans do not want America to be this divided. That’s amazing. That’s a majority.

How is the reality of our majority so different from the reality of the politics that represent us?

Eye-to-eye, knee-to-knee, nearly every conversation showed Americans who genuinely wanted to connect with active parts of America, to be able to talk to each other with less stress, to no longer be frustrated, fearful or distanced recipients of the current conversation. They just didn’t know how. I didn’t see these American voices or their stories represented in our media or political conversations - and I knew this silent majority needed a voice. Also, I am one of them.

I’ve learned over the years that people on the public stage often have barriers to full transparency or impact that people behind the scenes - or behind the screens - don’t have.    I developed a way to look at the 360-context of our problems, our decisions and messages shared about them. And I can’t do it alone.

My role is to create constructive, disarming conversations and synthesize American voices into something meaningful, sincere, credible and actionable. Lower octane, higher impact.

Growing up in rural eastern North Carolina then living in both big cities and small towns across America, I have aligned with both political parties over stages in my life. In my bones, I can understand both sides’ arguments and have empathy for their reasons and rationale. Like most Americans, I want to feel understood, safe, connected and free to share my views authentically in my family and community, too. My experiences drove me to grow my own capacity for healthy discourse and allow me to facilitate healthier conversations, analysis and actions around political issues. I believe there is a way forward for America to evolve, to not by led by special interests or party, but from the sum of our parts. That’s our democracy. If we can keep it.

America is our home. And it’s unhealthy right now. But not without hope. Our thoughtful, honest work. With extraordinary land, people and design like no other, we have something incredible worth fighting for. It’s amazing that people fight for women’s rights, for instance. It’s equally amazing that people fight for a baby’s life. It matters that people care so much that they’ll fight about at the dinner table. And it’s a privilege that we have a Constitution that empowers us to do the work of finding the humane balance of all life.

I believe that there’s a better way forward than the false choices and rhetoric we have that divide us. I want to help harness that incredible passion and advocacy from the dinner table and across all sides to rise above the divide. I found out that the majority of Americans want that, too. It won’t be easy. It’s murky and message work, but we’re worth it. We can do hard things. We’re Americans.

I want America to have a better unity story. To be the people-led democracy that our founders designed… And that we deserve. Now, let’s get to work…

Manny in the Middle
is relatable, bridge-building content
for the next generation of human dignity, discourse, and democracy.

We are the many in the middle

Democracy needs healthy discourse to survive. It needs a healthy majority to have a voice to succeed. We examine the issues and how we think about the issues from a 360-view. We take time to understand context and one another. And, ultimately since actions > opinions, we use our voice to shape the decisions that steer our democracy. We:

  • Gather the voices of real Americans

  • Brings in credible, diverse outside perspectives 

  • Lead with calm “Yes, And…” vs. “Either, Or” thinking  

  • Value the person over the problem

Explore root causes of our divide : 

  • System design causes

  • Historic causes

  • Ecosystem causes

  • Special Interest causes

  • Behavioral and PsychoSomatic causes

This ain’t Kumbaya… This is Democracy.

Manny in the Middle - Be a force of unity in our country

Be a force for unity in our country

✦ Watch the news and not get triggered

✦ Go to family dinner and leave feeling less frustrated

✦ Be a safe person where others can share their thoughts and beliefs 

✦ Lead with curiosity vs. convincing

✦ Hold capacity for more complexity ad uncertainty

✦ Build resilience to navigate challenging conversations

✦ Embrace that you are the solution. There is no such thing as a politial savior.

✦ Use your voice through effective channels. It counts.

Symptoms of Political Divide - Manny in the Middle

Avoid the harmful symptoms of the political divide

  • Snap judgment and biased assumptions

  • Labeling and name-calling - even without words

  • Feeling stuck

  • Harming relationships

  • Feeling disempowered 

  • Spiraling in mistruth and disbelief 

  • Weaker ideas drowning out the strongest ones

  • Feeling hopeless to make change 

Be a part of the Solution

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➤ Join our round table discussions… coming soon!

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